18xx und Zugzwang

1869 Summary of rules

This is a translation (an attempt) from Lemmis little 1 * 8 (1997)


1869 USA-West has been developed by Alan Moon. In principle the rules of 1830 are valid. The total money is 36.000 $. The privat companies are totally sold as in 1830. Private Companies, that are not sold in the first round get 10$ cheaper each further round. The value of the private companies is added to the players means at the end of the game.

Share rounds

Apperance of corporations
The (normal) companies are divided into groups. The first group contains CPR, UP and CP. The shares of the second group can't be bought until all initial shares of the first group are sold out. The second group contains NP, SP and ATSF. The shares of the third group can't be bought until all initial shares of the second group are sold out. The third group contains the GN. The fourth group contains the DRG. The fifth group contains WP and CN. the sixth group contains KP, TP and ORN. From the fourth group on the the corporations of the previous group must only be active, before the shares of the next group are available. Optional You can play with a 14th corparation (= seventh group) named ILL.

Limits for corporations
To activate a corporation 60% has to be sold. A player may own 100% of a corporation. At a value <= 69 (yellow) shares don't count towards the paper limit. At a value <= 49 (brown) more than one share of this corporation may be bought in one turn.

Handling of different sizes of shares
First the president of a corporation has to be bought, then all shares can be bought. A large share can be exchanged against smaller shares when you buy or sell shares. Example: You want to buy a 30%- share which would cost 300$ You can give 2 10% shares and 100$
First sell - than buy
In one turn you can first sell as many shares as you like and then buy one share. First sell - then buy.
End of a share round
The share round ends after all players passed.
The pool can take all shares of a corporation. If a corporation pays dividens, the shares in the pool pay dividends into the corporation.

Substeps in an OR:

1. Return of obsolete trains. Volutary return of trains is possible.

2. Laying tiles (Upgrade only, if there has been a route)

3. Laying token (0$, 40$, 80$, 120$, 160$) +100$ over the border US/Can. Canada are the rows A,B,C plus D32.

4. Running trains

5. Buying trains

6. Return of scrapped trains.

Scrapped trains
1. and 6. are important, because each scrapped train may run one more time but not in that corporation that bought the scrapping train.
Private companies
Private companies cannot be bought by corporations, but corporations can use the abilities of some private companies as described in Table C.
Upgrading tiles (special rule!!)
A corporation may upgrade a tile only if it had a route to this tile before upgarding. It must not reach the new track.
Extra building rules for ATSF and SP
The SP may lay 4 Extra tiles for 40$, 80$, 120$, 120$, also in one turn.

The ATSF may lay one extra tile each turn for 20$ until it has run its best Bonus or three Boni together.

Special trains
4E and 5E are Express-trains. They may leave out any station. But they have to include one own token and stations that are necessary for a Bonus.
For most corporations there are Bonusroutes. They can be run also with several trains (with changing the train, even if there is a token in between). The trains may run farer than the Bonus Start and Finish. Each Corporation can get only one Bonus in one OR.

Only the ATSF can add its Boni.

There is one Bonus for the CPR and UP which is valid only once (see table)

The Corporation can save any part of its Bonus (in 10$-steps), the rest is added to the dividend.

Adding private money to buy a train
There is no need to buy a train. If a Corporation buys a train, the president may give up to 25% of the price from his own money.

If a corporation has no train it may buy the cheapest train with all its money and the president pays the rest. The president may not sell shares for this purpose.

Fusion of CPR and SP
If there is a route between CPR and SP or if the first 6 has been sold the CPR merges into the SP. The new SP has 200% shares. It may own one more train than other corporations.
If there are more than 60% in the pool the corporation, it is in "receivership". Then it does not spend any money, does not deal with trains, it lends the cheapest available train from the bank for 10$ (even if it has a train) and saves. It saves mininal 50$.

End of the game

The games ends, when the bank goes out of money with a complete sequence of ORs.


A. Corporations

Start at

Shares (*10%)

Money, Tokens

CPR Central Pacific
I3 Sacramento
$1100, 2
Once 300, when route J2 - H22 exists
UP Union Pacific
H22 Omaha
$1100, 4
Once 300, when route J2 - H22 exists
plus H22 - J2 = 60$
CP Canadian Pacific
D32 Montreal
$1100, 4
D32 - D4/C5 = 280$
NP Northern Pacific
F24 Minneapolis
$1010, 5
F24 - D4/E3 = 150$
SP Southern Pacific
O29 New Orleans
$1010, 5
O29 - N16 = 80$
O29 - M5/L4 = 400$
ATSF Atchison Topek & Santa Fe
G29 Chicago
$1010, 5
G29 - J24/J28 = 30$
G29 - N16 = 30$
G29 - K15 = 70$
G29 - M5/L4 = 220$
GN Great Northern
F24 Minneapolis
$930, 5
F24 - E3/D4 = 150$
DRG Denver & Rio Grande
J16 Denver
$860, 3
J16 - N16 = 50$
J16 - M10/M12 = 90$
WP Western Pacific
J2 San Francisco
$800, 2
CN Canadian National
C21 Winnipeg
$800, 3
C21 - C5 = 120$
KP Kansas Pacific
J24 Kansas City
$750, 2
J24 - N16 = 40$
J24 - J2/L4/M5 = 100$
TP Texas & Pacific
M23 Dallas
$750, 2
M23 - N16 = 40$
M23 - L4/M5 = 100$
ORN Oregon & Navig.
E3 Portland
$750, 2
ILL Illinois Central
G29 Chicago
$740, 2
G29 - O29 = 80$
B. Limits and Startkapital
Number of players 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Startkapital 1750 1167 875 700 584 500 438
Limit of papers 39 27 21 17 14 12 11
Limit with ILL 40 28 22 18 15 13 12

C. Private Companies
Private CompanyPriceIncomeExtra
Butterfield Overland M.$20$5-
Daily Overland Mail$40$10-
Government Contract$90$15 1 token can be laid for free onthe other side of the border US/Canada
Alternatively one extra tile can be laid once
Mississippi Engeneering Company$140$20 One bridge across the Mississippi can be built for free
Alternatively one extra tile can be laid once
Rock Mountains Explosives$200$25 One Mountain can be built for free
Alternatively one extra tile can be laid once
LA-NY Steamship Co.$270$30plus 20% CPR Presidency. It closes
It closes when CPR runs the first time.
NO-SF Steamship Co.$280$35plus 10% SP Presidency

D. Trains
TrainNPrice = ¾ + ¼LimitNumber of ORcolorextra
2 890 = 68 + 22 41yellow-
3 7170 = 128 + 42 42green-
4 5340 = 255 + 85 32green2 trains scrapped
5 4480 = 360 + 120 33green-
4E2510 = 383 + 127 33greenAfter the 1st 5 available
6 4630 = 473 + 157 23brown3 trains scrapped

Privat Companies closed,

CPR & SP Fusion

5E2660 = 495 + 165 23brownAfter the 1st 5 available
7 2720 = 540 + 180 23brownAfter the 1st 5 available
8 2800 = 600 + 200 23brownAfter the 1st 5 available
D 3950 = 713 + 237 23brownAfter the 1st 5 available

4 trains scrapped

Special Tiles: green: PSL, no 90 only at E3, J2 and L4 (and no normal town)
brown: PL, no 81 only at E3 and J4
brown: C , no 82 only at G29
brown: MT, no 83 only at D32
brown: NO, no 84 only at O29
brown: S , no 80 only at J2

There is a barrier (a unpassable river) between E27 and D26